Friday, September 20, 2013

To those who think GODs a bully …

To those who think GODs a bully …

Many see those who follow our father as being gullible souls who have entered into some kind of trap. They see scriptures as some form of spiritually bulling with hell and damnation being the result of living a life full of wrongs and sin. They see many who show reverence as those who might just be living in fear and praising him so that they won’t fall into damnation. They believe the bible is filled with curses and language that uses the power of GOD to smite all those that one may deem their enemy. Others think that the bible is doctrine that just is used as a tool of governments to brainwash people into being good little citizens. Sometimes those who are outside the circle of Christians and following him to the father, see much wrong with how our ancestor wrote and translated the spirit of the father in the Holy Scriptures.

So yes there were many dynamic that occurred in bringing the scriptures together, and yes the government was involved until there was a separation of church and state. The history and our forefathers proved a great struggle to separate church and state because typically people who are pure unto fathers love struggle with Draco leadership of this world fully aware that they do not follow principles of what our father wants for us in this life. Major revolution in the Catholic Church occurred in the early 1300’s to make this change happen.

Then there was the ancient social ways, men ruled the world and had multiple wives and possessions and hoards of children. Many men of ancient times had much more responsibility and much different expectation within the social structures.

The most profound of all these things that the scriptures do not fully mention are; GOD is contemporary and understands each person in their current condition of now. He knows street talk and all the quirky ways of our weirdness. Our FATHER is CONTEMPORARY and is now. The scriptures provide us age old wisdoms because nothing is new under the sun. If you seek him with all your heart and bring your need to him, he understands this at its most intimate level and knows exactly what it is you need even if you don’t fully understand your needs.

The next most profound truth is that he does not seek to bully you into fearing him to love him. Jesus most profound truth was that our father is a GOD of love, the reverence men show GOD is a way of expressing this love to our father. Men out of gratitude and joy in the hearts from Fathers love, praise him in many ways. These things are offerings and so desperation to try and seal their fate so they don’t meet hells gates. I myself give gifts as well to our father. In my thoughts I imagine something I would like him to have and then give it to him. Much the same thing one would do if they loved someone or an animal that bring them joy, they offer gifts. Our Father also bestows gifts upon us in many forms. Not only to give you what you need but gifts of the spirit such as talent and beauty.   

If you are the kind of soul who needs to read to reinforce your understanding within about our father, and you too have experienced and questions were raised in your heart, I would recommend searching further by using the Strong’s Concordance and reviewing the original Greek and Hebrew words and what they really meant.

If you’re a person who looks at how some Christians behave and you felt they were not sincere or genuine, question further. There are many dynamics of how one carries their faith inside them. You don’t have to be that kind of Christian.

If you are on the outside looking in at someone, and you struggle with understanding what they mean or what they are talking about, I invite you to open your heart and try to see. I have been in pursuit of more knowledge of our Father for at least 20 years and I still crave to know him more. Inviting you to open your heart is my gift to you, but before you lean to lessons from another, whether it is a church, theologian or any other doctrine, I invite you to look for his spirit, and it is everywhere and in everything. Just go outside, stand in the light and say “Father, I want to know more about you.” Call upon Christ to lead the way.

NO, it’s not a magic Genie but its better!