Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Transformation vs Transfiguration

Yesterday I sent a “You Tube” clip (I have attached again for those of you who did not have time to watch) regarding the physical transformation currently happening to individuals as we approach the new age of the living world. This period we are in now is called the “Golden Age”.

This has perpetuated further individual analysis on my part and I wonder what the difference was between “transformation” and “transfiguration” as written in the bible.

TRANSFORMATION is what many of us are experiencing now as stated in the brief clip from yesterday mentioned above. Those who are experiencing molecular change within their bodies are doing so along with the earth herself as she is a living body and is beginning to rise in her dimensional shift. Those individuals will remain here on the earth to usher in the “New Millennium.”

I am reading this book called “Jesus the Christ” by Talmage and in the subject matter of “The Millennium” on page 790 it states “The more wicked part of the race shall have been destroyed (perish)” further along it states “Men yet in the flesh shall mingle with immortalized beings; children shall grow to maturity and the die in peace or be changed to immortality “in the twinkling of an eye.” (Scripture reference is 1 Corinthians 15:51-57)There shall be surcease of enmity between man and beast; venom of serpents and the ferocity of the brute creation shall be done away, and love shall be dominant power of control.” Further along the page it states “And Enoch saw the day of the coming of the Son of Man, in the last days to dwell on the earth in righteousness for the space of a thousand years” (Scripture reference is Rev 20:1-6). It’s my observation that these immortalized beings are “the children of the light”.

TRANSFIGURATION is what will occur to those who do not remain behind on this earth. Good and Beautiful people whom GOD loves dearly but who cannot rise with the earth and undergo the necessary molecular change. These individuals will be gathered up and ascend into heaven with assistance of those immortalized beings.

This is a profound revelation I came to during my theological studies and I hope it has inspired you to look more closely. Each faith has its own understanding about “The Millennium” but I encourage you to pursue the knowledge of each to obtain the perfect truth.

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