Saturday, November 9, 2013

The age of Darkness Ascension

To all the souls whom radiate pure light, who live in truth of the spirit and pure at heart. This is the dispensation of the sheet of darkness upon our world.
Wherever you are in your life’s journey, if you are pure in heart you are a true child of GOD. I will say that many are scattered amongst different religious estates.  However, the fact remains that you are a true heart and believe in higher being than what our planet currently is but is transcending into.
Beings from lower realms have made their ascent upon the higher light, weather you are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or in no specific religious house. This is their ascension and their agenda is to create a descent on mankind. Kundalini is a dangerous practice because one can perform this on you from a distance without your consent or awareness. Without expert knowledge of this practice the person whom performs it on you transfers their spiritual vibrations on you. This can range anywhere from a true divine nature within that individual to a much lower vibration such as Luciferian or Satanist.
If you are currently being attacked by lower vibrations or those beings who prevail from the outer darkness you are in for a trail. I am aware of many people who are experiencing this ascension of darkness right now. The idea is for these being to come to you in a telepathic manner; they pose as a twin flame or a spirit guide. They are masters of illusion and deceit and through this venue they attempt to identify you as one of them and make it very believable. Their intention is to lead you into a path where you must battle your spiritual truth, the truth within you. You must stand firm in this. They are beings who are self proclaimed judges upon you but the reality is that no one has the authority to pass judgments upon you. Our Father is all loving and all forgiving.
It essentially is a psychological battle as they search for your weakness and fears. They use this weakness and fear to force you on a path to become like them. They will attempt to claim all your spiritual gifts from the Father as actually your natural nature to be as one of them. Once they believe they have found a weakness, whether it be frustration, nervousness, anger, depression, anxiety, perplexity or sadness, they will use these emotions over you and attempt to bring about scenario’s that lead you into these emotions.  The reason being is as they are beings from the outer darkness they are far removed from our Fathers, GODs light which is the nutrition of our souls. They steal this light from you through the physical host. When you respond to those negative emotions you release this inner light and they need this in order to survive. I have experienced this attack first hand and am conquering their presence.  When these negative emotions are in your current state of mind and they “feed” you can feel the pressure on your crown, lower neck and sexual organs. You can overcome this by placing your hand/hands in the area which is being extracted. The hands are our healing tools and transfer our spiritual energy they cannot invade areas once protected by your hands.  This is the reason for the ‘twin flame” illusion, to extort sexual energy. These beings are: in a sense spiritual parasites but we lovingly call them demons.
Overcoming is a long process, you must awaken your inner light, for me it has always been Christ even through the recesses of their illusionary journey. The flip side is that the reality of their existence as an opposite confirms the reality of the higher spiritual mansions in our Fathers house You must have full control over your emotions, focusing on Fathers light and the inner beauty that resides within us, remembering we are all deeply loved and invaluable to our Father. Prayer constantly, don’t listen to them or engage in conversations in your thoughts with them. Many believe only by Exorcisms these entities can be removed, their presence is the same sort of thing that occurred to Joan of Arc and Abraham when he was lead to execute his son. In Abraham’s case our loving Father intervened.
The time of Christ, Jesus went to Egypt and learned about the pagan beliefs which ruled this age, through these pagan beliefs the doorway to the outer darkness is opened which allows these spirits to travel upon the face of this planet. Christ came up against these very trials and through his love for our Father overcame them, this was his greatest and magnificent work, he understood that when demons accuse you to answer not for they use all your words against you. Be still and know you are a child of our Father and you are deeply loved. Our heavenly Father gives us the authority to claim our birthright here on earth as his children through participating in the baptism, sacraments and other ordinances performed and left to us by Christ and the Melchizedek or Malki Tzedek priesthood. Only those who are strongest in their faith can overcome, other will need an Exorcisms but essentially we have been given all the tools we need.  Move like lighting and establish your agencies by like minded individuals. Power comes in numbers.
Be beautiful, I love you all !



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