Monday, September 7, 2009

Reincarnation vs. Resurrection

Reincarnation vs. Resurrection

Okay, so in my post last week on Transfiguration vs. Transformation I mentioned I was reading this book on “Jesus the Christ” by Talmage. By the way, this book is used by the Mormons in teaching of the scriptures. (Mormon’s are my favorite Christian church on the planet and I am a member)

In this book under the topic of “The Kingdom of Heaven to Come” on page 788 it states verbatim “The coming of Christ in the Last Days, accompanied by the apostles of old and the resurrected saints is to mark the establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven upon the earth. The faithful apostles who were with Jesus in his earthly ministry are to be enthroned as judges of the whole house of Israel. “(I am skipping over the general information regarding the Mormon Nephite Twelve as most are not familiar with this and for discussion purposes I wish to revisit this later.)

Further down the page the author make an analogy and states “While the expressions “Kingdom of God” and “Kingdom of Heaven” are used in the Bible synonymously or interchangeable, later revelation gives to each a distinctive meaning. The kingdom of GOD is the church established by DIVINE authority upon the earth; this institution asserts no claim to temporal rule over nations; its scepter of power is that of the Holy Priesthood, to be used in the preaching of the gospel and in administering its ordinances for the salvation of mankind living and dead. The “Kingdom of Heaven” is the divinely ordained system of government and dominion in all matters, temporal and spiritual; this will be established on earth only when it’s rightful Head, the King of Kings, Jesus the Christ comes to reign.”

Though I have found no one in the church to use the term “Reincarnation” I did use my Bible Dictionary in a King James Version of the Holy Bible from The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints and the definition of “Resurrection” is “Resurrection consists in the uniting of the spirit body with a body of flesh and bones, never again to be divided.”

When looking at all this information together, at least in my opinion it is obvious that the faithful apostles who were with Jesus in his earthly ministry will be given new bodies. What better means to do that by then via reincarnation and then” Transition” into immortalized beings? Many great physics believe in reincarnation and I personally do also. I believe it is a universal truth. Should we look for those reincarnated apostles now given the truth of the other quickening events occurring?

Just looking at all angles for the greater truth; I hope this will spark further analysis on your part. What’s your opinion??