Thursday, September 10, 2009
Christ Control Over Matter and Energy
Christ Control over Matter and Energy
Further analysis and review of this book by Talmage titled “Jesus the Christ” I became amazed at the observation that Talmage made in this book. The subject matter is “Christ’s control over matter and energy”. We all know about the story when Christ was in the boat with Peter and a great storm came and all the men thought they would parish. Christ calmed the storm and waters with his voice.
Talmage’s observation is a follows; Among the recorded miracles of Christ, none elicited greater diversity in comment and in attempt to elucidation than the marvelous instance of control over the forces of nature. Science ventures no explanation. The Lord of earth, air and sea spoke and was obeyed. He is who, amidst the black chaos of creation’s earliest stages, had commanded with immediate effect – Let there be light: Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters; Let the dry land appear – and, as He decreed, so it was. The dominion of the Creator over the created is real and absolute. A small part of that dominion has been committed to man as the offspring of God, tabernacle in the very image of his DIVINE father. But man exercises that delegated control through secondary agencies, and by means of complicated mechanism. Man’s power over the objects to his own devising is limited. It is according to the curse evoked by Adam’s fall, which came through transgression, which by the strain of his muscles, by the sweat of his brow, and by the stress of his mind, shall be achieved. His word is yet but a sound wave in the air. Through the Spirit that emanates from the very persona of Deity, which pervades all space, the command of God is immediately operative.
Not man alone, but also the earth and all the elemental forces pertaining thereto came under Adamic curse; and as the soil no longer brought forth good and useful fruit, but gave of its substance to nurture thorns and thistles, so the several forces of nature ceased to be obedient to man as agents subject to his direct control. What we call natural forces – heat, light, electricity, chemical affinity – are but a few of the manifestations of eternal energy through which the Creator’s purposes are subserved; and these few, man is able to direct and utilize only through mechanical contrivance and physical adjustment. But the earth shall vet be “renewed and receive its paradisiacal glory”; then soil, water, air and the forces acting upon them shall directly respond to the command of glorified man, as they now obey the word of the Creator.
I found this revelation profound! Talmage is basically saying that we being created as the offspring of GOD we have the power to command the elements of nature. Furthermore, as we approach the new millennium, it is obvious that all curses placed upon us in the “fall of man” will be lifted and we would regain control over the elements. Moses also commanded this power over the elements as well. These were acts of “will” by high holy beings. The new millennium promises us all beings will be higher in their vibration level and love will be the dominate power. It makes perfect sense to only trust such powers to higher beings . . . we should begin to see signs of “higher beings” or “beings of light” gaining these controls back as we move closer to the dimensional shift.
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