Sunday, November 24, 2013

What are Demons –

Demon Orb in outer Darkness

The realm of the afterlife of the spirit consist of many mansions, even lower realms by thought process create mansions. For the occult arts many of you may have had visions of building a mansion in the outer darkness in space as part of your “Alchemy Wedding”.
In the realms of “all that is” the demon souls reside in the outer darkness. This is a realm that is furthest away from the source of all spiritual energy which is “God’s Love”. Many believe that the nutrient source of the soul is actually just light. This is an error, pure radiance is generated by pure Love. Love itself is a mutual emotion between souls.
Demons are removed from this energy radiance of holy pure true love and therefore they roam the outer darkness and our physical world seeking that which they need to continue their existence. They draw sexual energy in a pretentious “In Love” relationship which is in the same lines as the myth of the “Fallen Angels” procreating with the woman of earth because they are fair and beautiful. Also, the myth of “Twin Flame” concepts. Spirit Guides are not a reality in heavens kingdoms, Christ and the Holy Spirit is the only guide you need however guardians are true.
Because we are able in the physical host to reach the energy of our Beloved Father, Christ and the Holy Spirit and their love, the other methods of drawing such energy from physical beings is to invoke anger and rage from you, physically trespassing in your mind and thoughts, planting lies and deceit making you act upon things that you would not normally do without this influence. Much like those people who you heard saying “GOD” told me to do it, they drown their children or hurt and maim someone. Our father very rarely moves in our thoughts with actual words but rather in his presence the language is “all knowing”, like having a conversation knowing the meaning but without words.
Demons gain energy from emotional strife and will work to create an environment in your visions where you have very high spiritual experiences some that seem the most of Holy Visions, they rise you up to reach our Fathers Love and then they cause opposition in words to make our physical host release this energy and replace it with strife and darkness. In this they gain “Gods” energy for survival.  
We are on the dawn of the new Millennium and the 7 years of trials and tribulations’ are at hand. Many of you are experiencing this trial at this very moment. I have spent 30 years studying scripture and I too easily trusted this path. I had to fight with all my energy to pull out of it and apply the Truth to what I was being told. To trust this path is the first mistake … Fallen Angels have waged a war on humanity and heaven …. Know the scripture, live according to the will of GOD and know the precepts of how to live on earth void of deceit and filled with brotherly love.
Do not fall to the way of sexual ambitions to extort a means of survival, only true love is honored in sexual activity. Do not seek monitory benefit from selling a belief system, live humbly and wholesomely, help one another and serve one another. Seek GOD’s approval if you are being lead in a path, always pray and study the scriptures on how we should live. Our Family in heaven awaits us.
Write me if you have a question.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Archons, Jinn & Demons

Archons, Jinn & Demons

These are the orbs of the lost souls, removed from GOD light and the source of all life. They are parasitic in nature and feed off of an individual’s life force. They will come upon you in the nature of a “Spirit Guide” or a “Twin Flame” using sexual energy along with emotional energy to drain you of your life force because they believe they are dying. Thus is the reason for their apparitions in a shadow form or of dark energy.

They are also placed upon you by those who perform witchcraft or use the authority of our heavenly father to bring about justice to their enemies. No amount of prayer or ritual practices will remove the jinn. The only way to remove a parasitic being is to be emotionless and feed them no longer. If you currently are fighting what you believe to be a demon, they are using your warfare energy to exist and thus enthroning you into a life of warfare.

Don’t do it, peacefulness and joy is the only way to make them flee.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The age of Darkness Ascension

To all the souls whom radiate pure light, who live in truth of the spirit and pure at heart. This is the dispensation of the sheet of darkness upon our world.
Wherever you are in your life’s journey, if you are pure in heart you are a true child of GOD. I will say that many are scattered amongst different religious estates.  However, the fact remains that you are a true heart and believe in higher being than what our planet currently is but is transcending into.
Beings from lower realms have made their ascent upon the higher light, weather you are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu or in no specific religious house. This is their ascension and their agenda is to create a descent on mankind. Kundalini is a dangerous practice because one can perform this on you from a distance without your consent or awareness. Without expert knowledge of this practice the person whom performs it on you transfers their spiritual vibrations on you. This can range anywhere from a true divine nature within that individual to a much lower vibration such as Luciferian or Satanist.
If you are currently being attacked by lower vibrations or those beings who prevail from the outer darkness you are in for a trail. I am aware of many people who are experiencing this ascension of darkness right now. The idea is for these being to come to you in a telepathic manner; they pose as a twin flame or a spirit guide. They are masters of illusion and deceit and through this venue they attempt to identify you as one of them and make it very believable. Their intention is to lead you into a path where you must battle your spiritual truth, the truth within you. You must stand firm in this. They are beings who are self proclaimed judges upon you but the reality is that no one has the authority to pass judgments upon you. Our Father is all loving and all forgiving.
It essentially is a psychological battle as they search for your weakness and fears. They use this weakness and fear to force you on a path to become like them. They will attempt to claim all your spiritual gifts from the Father as actually your natural nature to be as one of them. Once they believe they have found a weakness, whether it be frustration, nervousness, anger, depression, anxiety, perplexity or sadness, they will use these emotions over you and attempt to bring about scenario’s that lead you into these emotions.  The reason being is as they are beings from the outer darkness they are far removed from our Fathers, GODs light which is the nutrition of our souls. They steal this light from you through the physical host. When you respond to those negative emotions you release this inner light and they need this in order to survive. I have experienced this attack first hand and am conquering their presence.  When these negative emotions are in your current state of mind and they “feed” you can feel the pressure on your crown, lower neck and sexual organs. You can overcome this by placing your hand/hands in the area which is being extracted. The hands are our healing tools and transfer our spiritual energy they cannot invade areas once protected by your hands.  This is the reason for the ‘twin flame” illusion, to extort sexual energy. These beings are: in a sense spiritual parasites but we lovingly call them demons.
Overcoming is a long process, you must awaken your inner light, for me it has always been Christ even through the recesses of their illusionary journey. The flip side is that the reality of their existence as an opposite confirms the reality of the higher spiritual mansions in our Fathers house You must have full control over your emotions, focusing on Fathers light and the inner beauty that resides within us, remembering we are all deeply loved and invaluable to our Father. Prayer constantly, don’t listen to them or engage in conversations in your thoughts with them. Many believe only by Exorcisms these entities can be removed, their presence is the same sort of thing that occurred to Joan of Arc and Abraham when he was lead to execute his son. In Abraham’s case our loving Father intervened.
The time of Christ, Jesus went to Egypt and learned about the pagan beliefs which ruled this age, through these pagan beliefs the doorway to the outer darkness is opened which allows these spirits to travel upon the face of this planet. Christ came up against these very trials and through his love for our Father overcame them, this was his greatest and magnificent work, he understood that when demons accuse you to answer not for they use all your words against you. Be still and know you are a child of our Father and you are deeply loved. Our heavenly Father gives us the authority to claim our birthright here on earth as his children through participating in the baptism, sacraments and other ordinances performed and left to us by Christ and the Melchizedek or Malki Tzedek priesthood. Only those who are strongest in their faith can overcome, other will need an Exorcisms but essentially we have been given all the tools we need.  Move like lighting and establish your agencies by like minded individuals. Power comes in numbers.
Be beautiful, I love you all !



Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Breath of Home

In the core of your being the origin of your soul has been established at the dawn of all that is.  You will experience moments in your life when something touches your core deeply. It is identified in the pure emotion of what you have experienced and the language is one of pure emotional essence. A heightened sense of feeling ten times of the normal echo one might experience on this earthly firmament.
We are all born as an expression of high celestial estates that contains beauty beyond your imaginations.  When you touch this realm, there is no mistaken that you belong to the realms of omnipresent beauty and love. These realms are the full expression of Christ and our Father and all of our highest celestial family. We are an important branch of that Tree.
The opposition does not create new souls but rather has children come unto them by darker actions and expressions from the physical experience which essential become their conscious estates. The path the darker forces use to bring this to pass is by “coming unto you” which aids in the illusion of the feeling that this is your path and what is meant to be. Our scriptures often speak about “Satan came upon him”.
It is important to express this in words as we now live in a time where much more of this is occurring in an unimaginable rate.
The illusion is that the darker forces illusions will make you believe this is who you are judgmental, unloved, and incapable of navigating yourself. A deep sense of wrong to weaken your self-belief. It’s all the dark forces have to battle with.
Make no mistake, every soul created comes from the highest celestial kingdom and this is your home. If anything in life is badgering you with opposition thought, it is not coming from your true home.
Each of us in this time of unprecedented transformation will have an opportunity to tough our highest celestial core. Never forget it when the feeling comes upon you and never let go of that truth.

Friday, September 20, 2013

To those who think GODs a bully …

To those who think GODs a bully …

Many see those who follow our father as being gullible souls who have entered into some kind of trap. They see scriptures as some form of spiritually bulling with hell and damnation being the result of living a life full of wrongs and sin. They see many who show reverence as those who might just be living in fear and praising him so that they won’t fall into damnation. They believe the bible is filled with curses and language that uses the power of GOD to smite all those that one may deem their enemy. Others think that the bible is doctrine that just is used as a tool of governments to brainwash people into being good little citizens. Sometimes those who are outside the circle of Christians and following him to the father, see much wrong with how our ancestor wrote and translated the spirit of the father in the Holy Scriptures.

So yes there were many dynamic that occurred in bringing the scriptures together, and yes the government was involved until there was a separation of church and state. The history and our forefathers proved a great struggle to separate church and state because typically people who are pure unto fathers love struggle with Draco leadership of this world fully aware that they do not follow principles of what our father wants for us in this life. Major revolution in the Catholic Church occurred in the early 1300’s to make this change happen.

Then there was the ancient social ways, men ruled the world and had multiple wives and possessions and hoards of children. Many men of ancient times had much more responsibility and much different expectation within the social structures.

The most profound of all these things that the scriptures do not fully mention are; GOD is contemporary and understands each person in their current condition of now. He knows street talk and all the quirky ways of our weirdness. Our FATHER is CONTEMPORARY and is now. The scriptures provide us age old wisdoms because nothing is new under the sun. If you seek him with all your heart and bring your need to him, he understands this at its most intimate level and knows exactly what it is you need even if you don’t fully understand your needs.

The next most profound truth is that he does not seek to bully you into fearing him to love him. Jesus most profound truth was that our father is a GOD of love, the reverence men show GOD is a way of expressing this love to our father. Men out of gratitude and joy in the hearts from Fathers love, praise him in many ways. These things are offerings and so desperation to try and seal their fate so they don’t meet hells gates. I myself give gifts as well to our father. In my thoughts I imagine something I would like him to have and then give it to him. Much the same thing one would do if they loved someone or an animal that bring them joy, they offer gifts. Our Father also bestows gifts upon us in many forms. Not only to give you what you need but gifts of the spirit such as talent and beauty.   

If you are the kind of soul who needs to read to reinforce your understanding within about our father, and you too have experienced and questions were raised in your heart, I would recommend searching further by using the Strong’s Concordance and reviewing the original Greek and Hebrew words and what they really meant.

If you’re a person who looks at how some Christians behave and you felt they were not sincere or genuine, question further. There are many dynamics of how one carries their faith inside them. You don’t have to be that kind of Christian.

If you are on the outside looking in at someone, and you struggle with understanding what they mean or what they are talking about, I invite you to open your heart and try to see. I have been in pursuit of more knowledge of our Father for at least 20 years and I still crave to know him more. Inviting you to open your heart is my gift to you, but before you lean to lessons from another, whether it is a church, theologian or any other doctrine, I invite you to look for his spirit, and it is everywhere and in everything. Just go outside, stand in the light and say “Father, I want to know more about you.” Call upon Christ to lead the way.

NO, it’s not a magic Genie but its better!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

When God’s Fire set me Alit

I was a very young girl, loved the outdoors with a passion. I remember being outdoors with my olive skin and the sun turning me the most beautiful golden brown. I recall looking at the sun, and felt a shift in my eyes, as if they were set alive. Alive with a glow. Nothing here on earth spoke about this … just knew there was so much more. Just knew it!!!

A girl of 8 years old my eyes seemed ordinary brown, however my mom had amber green eyes and my father’s eyes were blue. My eyes did not begin to take their fire until this very moment, being outdoors and looking into the sun. The very light of creation sparked my eyes.

I don’t really think that people realize their Baptism of Light. This was not something in books or even in the movies back in the 60’s. There became a great awareness a sense of just knowing. I knew GOD was true, I knew Christ was true and I knew GOD called me by his fire.

I grew up as a normal girl, well as normal as normal could be I guess. Was baptized as an infant and christened in a Lutheran Church. Parents went to church and I went to Sunday school, at least as long as my mom tolerated their strict Tithing requirements. As much as a child learns in Sunday school not one thing pertained to GODs fire, nor did I fully understand why I was experiencing this event.

This event in my life was not really a religious thing, based on exposure or knowledge. It wasn’t really anything based on witchcraft or some esoteric preordained gift. Rather I believe in each of us, there is an event where GODs fire touches us. Many don’t hold on to the event or even recognize it because there is not teaching in our society about this.

This event is the “true” awakening. It’s not inspired by some Kundalini or Baptism or any other ritual mankind has created. Rather I think is GOD reaching through your soul ….” I know you and I know where you are, you are my child and I am here with you.”

So here on earth, there are so many souls called by the Father to describe and explain his truth. We have many who have died, crossed over and been told to come back and tell the people of your experience. The problem is that so many people want proof of their own and don’t always take another’s word for it. Ironically those who seek proof are the very ones who have denied this very calling, when GOD’s fire descends from heaven. I believe in my heart that all people on earth will have experienced some sort of profound communion with the Father.

So why do they not recognize this event in their lives, is it because no one spoke about it? Or maybe they were looking for some great proof such as the manifestation of the spirit of GOD before them. Or maybe one asked in prayer for something they wanted and it didn’t come to pass. Does not the father know that you are testing him?

The path of those who accept the call is much different than those who denied it in their hearts. Once the knowing has been established in ones heart, it blooms and grows over the life span of the individual. Like a flower, one begins to see their humble prayers being answered and will actually commune with the very spirit of the Lord GOD through visions and dreams and manifestation of these things on earth. There is nothing that you can’t ask him that will not be granted unless it is not in truth or of a one sided perspective. Always pray in the best will for your brothers and sisters and if one declares you their enemy, ask the Father to move him from your presence. To place distance between the two of you.

The physical difference between witchcraft and operating under the spirit of GOD is this very fact. A witch believes they can manifest at their own will through ritual, only using their perspective and judgments. The correct way for the children of GOD to manifest, is through him and accepts his higher vision when our manifestation through prayer is not realized.

When one is interacting with a higher celestial relationship, via the Holy Spirit, there is a change in the light of the space in which the communion is taking place. The light in the room will change from ordinary light or the sun into a pure white light. It’s a light that does not carry heat like that of sunlight. Many are not even aware of this change in light. So many do not even pay attention to this change in the light.

Also one may experience what I like to call the “Arch of GOD” which is a manifestation of an arch of light just over your physical presence. This usually occurs during conversation with the Father. When I say conversation I don’t mean conversation where words are used, though you may recognize your own words in your thoughts. Rather is a “knowing” of what is being said. Communication that is using both images and the language of “knowing”. Usually there is a great sensation of joy associated with this arch of light.

Through the Holy Ghost and Christ we are open to commune directly with the Holy Spirit and GOD, the channels are opened unto you so send him gratitude and be humble and thankful and send him your love. Those who are unaware of Christ will have an opportunity to know him, if not in this life, than in the next. Ones path should however be in harmony with the Holy Spirit and GOD and this holy spirit should move through ones soul.


Blessings to all

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The hills melt in his Presence

The Lord reigns in Millennial glory _the hills melt in his presence_ Those who love the lord and hate evil.
 The Lord reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof.
Clouds and darkness are round about him: righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne.
A fire goeth before him, and burneth up his enemies round about.
His lightnings enlightened the world: the earth saw, and trembled.
The hills melted like wax at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.
The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory.
Confounded be all they that serve graven images, that boast themselves of idols: worship him, all ye gods.
Zion heard, and was glad; and the daughters of Judah rejoiced because of thy judgments, O Lord.
For thou, Lord, art high above all the earth: thou art exalted far above all gods.
10 Ye that love the Lord, hate evil: he preserveth the souls of his saints; he delivereth them out of the hand of the wicked.
11 Light is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart.
12 Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous; and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.
Eschatological Hymn on YHWH as Universal Judges 
Topical references on the phrase “Clouds and Darkness” lead me to Kings 8:12 ((King James Bible Cambridge Ed) Then spake Solomon, the LORD said that he would dwell in the tick darkness))
Consideration of what this may actually reference leads me to two possibilities. Since the subject matter is on the millennial this precession of YHWH’s appearance tells me that he himself will appear on earth and bring with him his righteousness and judgments upon humanity. The clouds of darkness however may not be an imagery that is actually associated with dread and darkness unless you wish to take the perspective of a truly dark soul whose judgments may be harsh. More so the clouds of darkness would be an energetic physical side effect of YHWH penetrating the spiritual realms with the physical realms. No the less this Psalms clearly speaks to the appearance of YHWH himself along with judges in the onset of the Millennial and not just Jesus alone and the descriptions in the New Testament. Even more profound is the realization that YHWH himself has made appearances and will make appearances in the future.
Verse 3 describes a fire goes before him (YHWH) and burns his enemies (unrighteous at heart, see vs. 6.) This is of course the all consuming fire of YHWH and what do we know about his all consuming fire … reviewing the Old Testament the all consuming fire is usually always described as being a fire that destroys the unrighteous and enemies of those who are idol worshippers and worship other gods… hell is also described as being a place of fire so the difference here is the term “All consuming”. Giving that GOD sent to us his begotten son Jesus which was an act of love and compassion I can only assume “All consuming” means that he consumes within him or in another sense “returns those to the Godhead” which I like to refer to as a purification process. Most see the literal translation and immediately see this as being burned up in a fire.
Of course a compassionate loving GOD would not do this but rather act in a manner of saving ourselves from ourselves and the acts of lesser gods. (see vs. 10)
1Now, Israel, in light of all that, listen to the regulations and the case laws that I am teaching you to follow, so that you may live, enter, and possess the land that the LORD, your ancestors' God, is giving to you. 2 Don't add anything to the word that I am commanding you, and don't take anything away from it. Instead, keep the commands of the LORD your God that I am commanding all of you. 3 You saw with your own eyes what the LORD did concerning the Baal of Peor. The LORD your God destroyed everyone who followed the Baal of Peor, 4 but all of you who stayed true to the LORD your God are alive today. 5 So pay attention! I am teaching all of you the regulations and the case laws exactly as the LORD my God commanded me. You must do these in the land you are entering to possess.6 Keep them faithfully because that will show your wisdom and insight to the nations who will hear about all these regulations. They will say, "Surely this great nation is a wise and insightful people!" 7 After all, is there any great nation that has gods as close to it as the LORD our God is close to us whenever we call to him? 8 Or does any great nation have regulations and case laws as righteous as all this Instruction that I am setting before you today? 9 But be on guard and watch yourselves closely so that you don't forget the things your eyes saw and so they never leave your mind as long as you live. Teach them to your children and your grandchildren. 10 Remember that day when you stood before the LORD your God at Horeb, when the LORD said to me: "Gather the people to me. I will declare my words to them so that they will learn to fear me every day of their lives on the fertile land, and teach their children to do the same."
11 Then you all came close and stood at the foot of the mountain. The mountain was blazing with fire up to the sky, with darkness, cloud and thick smoke! 12 The LORD spoke to you out of the very fire itself. You heard the sound of words but you didn’t see any form. There was only a voice. 13 The LORD declared his covenant to you, which he commanded you to do—the Ten Commandments—and wrote them on two stone tablets. 14 At that time, the LORD commanded me to teach you all the regulations and the case laws that you must keep in the land that you are entering to possess. 15 So watch your conduct closely, because you didn't see any form on the day the LORD spoke to you at Horeb out of the very fire itself. 16 Don't ruin everything and make an idol for yourself: a form of any image, any likeness—male or female— 17 or any likeness whatsoever, whether of a land animal, a bird that flies in the sky, 18 an insect that crawls on the earth, or a fish that lives in the sea. 19 Don't look to the skies, to the sun or the moon or the stars, all the heavenly bodies, and be led astray, worshipping and serving them. The LORD your God has granted these things to all the nations who live under heaven. 20 But the LORD took you and brought you out of that iron furnace, out of Egypt, so that you might be his own treasured people, which is what you are right now.21 The LORD was angry with me because of your deeds and swore that I couldn't cross the Jordan River or enter the wonderful land that the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance. 22 I will die here in this land. I won't cross the Jordan River. But you will, and you will take possession of that wonderful land. 23 So all of you, watch yourselves! Don't forget the covenant that the LORD your God made with you by making an idol or an image of any kind or anything the LORD your God forbids,24 because the LORD your God is an all-consuming fire. He is a passionate God.
 We are constantly reminded not to engage in idol worship, that includes materialism in modern day’s society. When we worship lesser gods so to speak we become their subjects and subjected to their amusements. When can inadvertently worship lesser gods and do their work by not remaining mindful of living the by word, the instruction per say of how we are to live in this existence. To be of good heart and consciousness and even the Old Testament reminds us of the loving GOD. Doing what we want to do makes us subject to ourselves and the consequences of falling into traps and tricks of other spiritual beings which is the "window of chaos" in the human experience. Our Father has the power over nature itself and it is his will for humanity to love on another deeply. He can and does appear to us here on earth and speaks to us with his voice. Because humanity is a battle ground for lesser gods and demons (archons) we are subject to pretentious behavior of these lesser forces in the same manner. Discern carefully and if instruction is not that which is consistent of a loving GOD , then dismiss it.